Category Archives: Spotlight

This Deserves a Repost

So while we normally do Athlete Spotlights on Tuesday, and only once for a member, this photo of Justin deserves a repost of his spotlight.

Let’s get to know Justin again.

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s that time again…our Athlete Spotlight is here! This time, we have none other than Justin Sevakis. Justin joined CrossFit Merge late last year and has come such a long way. We are so impressed by all his athletic accomplishments. Consistency, determination and hard work are not far from Justin’s WOD vocabulary. He started off coming once a week and is now showing up consistently 3-4 times a week. Justin listens to all the advice the coaches share with him and makes an effort to implement it. He checks his ego at the door and has had tremendous improvements!! There’s no recipe to being successful at crossfit…show up consistently, listen to your coaches, and give your body time to learn the movements correctly. Justin has done this without a shadow of a doubt and the results are undisputable. Well, enough of my rambling, here’s Justin!

How long have you been doing CrossFit?

I technically started in November ’11, but then I hurt my back, then came the holidays and a double-whammy of the flu. So… three months in earnest?

How did you hear about CrossFit Merge?

I realized I should probably join a gym, so I googled for gyms close to me. I hadn’t heard of Crossfit before, but it sounded interesting, and Crossfit Merge was both REALLY close and had a great score on Yelp.

What was your first CrossFit Merge WOD experience like?

I think we all know the answer to this one. I think I repeated “please don’t throw up” to myself a few times, and then “please somehow summon the strength to climb your front stairs” upon returning home afterwards. I was really starting from zero, so I was drenched and could barely stand afterwards. That part doesn’t change much, does it?

What is something that not a lot of people know about you but you WISH more people COULD know?

I’ve spent the bulk of my life in front of a TV or monitor of some sort, and yet have perfect vision. So much for all that advice from mom!

What is your greatest CrossFit Merge accomplishment thus far?

Easily, it’s losing 26 lbs — and counting — since the Holidays. I still can’t believe it when I see myself in the mirror.

What is your favorite WOD and why? Least favorite WOD and why?

Honestly, I have no favorites. (Really, if I can remember the WOD without writing it down afterwards, that’s usually indicative of it being more punishing than anything.) My motto is: show up, do what’s on the board with an open mind, adjust to your level, and collapse when done.

What advice would you give a new member?

It’s really easy to be intimidated by Crossfit (and the regulars that seem to be superhuman). But just come consistently, and push yourself AS HARD AS YOU CAN. If you feel like you’ve plateaued, it’s because you’re not expecting enough of yourself. After a month or so, you’ll notice a HUGE difference. Oh, and REALLY follow directions when lifting, or you can really hurt yourself!

Out of all the hours in the day (both sleeping and awake) how much time do you spend working out? Thinking about CrossFit? Dreaming it? Watching vids? etc.

Depends on how busy I am. I’m a workaholic, so preferably I can compartmentalize and not spend more than a few minutes thinking about Crossfit when I’m not actually there and doing it. But since I recently upped my subscription and am planning on coming almost every day, it seems like this stuff might be taking over my life. I can think of worse obsessions…

Would you rather watch a sitcom, a reality show, a police drama, a legal drama, or a medical drama? Or something else? Why?

I went to film school and am trying to make stuff for a living, so I have to admit I’m a total snob when it comes to this stuff. Unless it’s something so really and truly great that it transcends its genre and its medium, like Breaking Bad or something, I’d probably opt for an obscure foreign art house movie or an anime series.

Would you rather have super strength or super intelligence? Why?

I have spent my life in pursuit of super intelligence, to the point I neglected my body entirely. My thinking was, “someone smart enough can always find a way to get someone dumb and strong to do their bidding.” But as I got older and more experienced, I realized that those dumb-and-strong people usually suck. It’s better to live a balanced life and be able to just do stuff yourself.

What was the question again?

Which is your favorite childhood hero?

My heroes growing up were French electronica musician Jean-Michel Jarre, computer game programmer Bill Heinnman and Bloom County creator Berke Breathed. I was a weird kid.

The thing is, all of those guys eventually got old, and the world left them behind, their work feeling like throwbacks rather than anything of substantial value today. So I prefer to take my inspiration from my friends, and from those around me. You tend to be let down less that way.

If somebody handed you a magic lamp and gave you three wishes, what would they be?

Trying to fix the world means both taking responsibility for it, and offering a better option. I can offer no substantive ideologies on how to really improve our lot — the fights for the important things (freedom, equality, a less corrupt governance) are as important to hashing out the end result as the goal itself. Wishing a shortcut into place would probably only cause greater unintended socioeconomic issues.

But, thinking superficially, I could sure do a lot with a billion dollars and some beach-side property!

One more… Eh, let’s fix global warming, ’cause we’re never gonna figure out a way around that anyway and it’s scary.

Where do you see yourself in 1 year?

My life is in a period of transition right now, as I just started my new video post-production business, so it’s really hard to say. By the looks of things I’ll at least be in quite a bit better shape. And hopefully a little further along in the pursuit of the good things in life.

Justin, we are so proud of all your accomplishments and we couldn’t be happier that you’re part of our box. And maybe since you’re a film maker…you can help us make a CrossFit Merge movie?

Friday’s Workout

Skill: Deadlift

3-3-3-3-3 touch and go

Workout of the Day

12 minute AMRAP of:

15 kettlebell swings (53#/35# for women)
100 meter med ball run (20#/14# for women)
30 double-unders

Athlete Spotlight – Jen Rynda

Let me introduce to you one of the pillars of CrossFit Merge, Jen Rynda.  Jen comes in consistently, works hard and it shows in all she has achieved and continues to achieve.  You may not have met Jen yet, but I’m sure you’ve seen her insane scores and weights on the whiteboard and the leader board.  There’s not a time she doesn’t come in the box and blow us away with her strength and determination.  She’s truly an inspiration to all of us – I am always hearing people use her times and scores as their goal!  One thing that is incredibly endearing about Jen is her sweet and friendly personality.  She is such a kind-hearted and wonderful person to be around. To me, she’s one of those people who help you to feel better about yourself when around them.

And as you can probably tell, I could talk about Jen all day, but i’ll let her tell you the rest 🙂

How long have you been doing CrossFit?

Close to a year and half. I’d like to say time fly’s when you’re having fun!

How did you hear about CrossFit Merge?

I heard about CrossFit from a friend that I used to work with about 4 years ago. I was so busy with moving to LA and starting a new job it took me about 3 years to actually come around to checking it out and when I did CrossFit Merge was the gym that came up on my Google search.

What was your first CrossFit WOD experience like?

Not including the trial class it was TOUGH! I went to a 6:30am class and it was full of experienced members. The WOD had 3 or 4 rounds of 20 burpees, 400m run, and 20 body weight squats. The worst part about the work out was the entire class lapped me on my first set of burpees, I didn’t think I would ever finish.

How many hours in the day do you spend thinking/talking/dreaming about CrossFit?

I usually wake up, check the WOD, either complain to myself or do a happy dance. Sometime after I will text Team Vegan to see when we are going to train and then plan my day accordingly. I would say all in all maybe an hour, depends on how long the dance takes.

Is there anything you’d like to people to know about you?

I am actually a professional synchronized swimmer. Please ask Cory and Sarah for my credentials.

What is your greatest CrossFit accomplishment thus far?

Being able to RX most workouts, I had set that as my goal about six months ago and can say I have accomplished it.

What is your favorite WOD and why?

I don’t have a favorite WOD. Oddly enough the harder the WOD the better in my opinion. I enjoy a chance to push myself and accomplish the perceived impossible.

What is your least favorite WOD and why?

Sorry Miguel but I have to pick your Birthday WOD! It was so hard! (The only WOD that does not apply to my rule above)

What advice would you give a new member?

I would say allow yourself time to improve both physically and mentally. Sometimes it can be hard and defeating watching others flying through workouts when you are struggling, however you have to remember they started in the same place you did. Also I would say meet someone new every day, the gym we go to has a great community so say Hi to someone you don’t know.

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be and why?

I would trade places with my boyfriend Bert. He always tells me I am crazy, so I would like to have the opportunity to confirm that for myself.

If you could be any superhero whom would you be and why?

I would be Superman! I would love the ability to fly, I think not only soaring all around the world would be great but also the ability to fly would make running the large block a lot easier. I can picture it already, I would sprint ahead of the group to make the first turn and as soon as I was out of sight I would fly around the rest of the block until back in sight, in which I would resume running and not be out of breath. : )

Where do you see yourself one year from now?

That is hard to say, hopefully attending the advanced class doing countless handstand pushups, pull-ups, and muscle ups.

Jen, we are so proud of you.  We look forward to continuing to watch you grow and achieve all that you set your mind to, because we know you will!

Tuesday – All Classes




Workout of the Day (WOD):

5 rounds, each 2 minutes long of:

Run 100 meters
Max burpee pull-ups in the remainder of the time (advanced option is to do chest to bar pull-ups)
Rest 1 minutes between rounds

Score is total burpees after 5 rounds.

Athlete Spotlight – Chris Molnar

One of my favorite things is getting to do the Athlete Spotlight.  I get to find out so many neat things about all of you, and this time is no exception!  Chris is one of our newer members, but he has embraced the CrossFit ideals like very few newbies have done.  He’s become one of our 6:30 am regulars, always comes in with a great attitude and lots of energy.  Chris is extremely consistent, logs all his WODs, even takes monthly photographs to track improvement!  If that’s not commitment, I don’t know what is.  

Ladies and gentlemen…here’s Chris Molnar!

How long have you been doing CrossFit?

I’ve been doing Crossfit for 3 months

How did you hear about CrossFit Merge?

When I decided to change from a gym to Crossfit, I did a search online to find a Crossfit gym near my house.  That afternoon I drove over, talked with Bryce and started Crossfit the next morning.

What was your first CrossFit WOD experience like?

I had no idea what to expect for my first WOD.  It included box jumps, burpees and Wall Ball Shots.  It was definitely challenging, but not enough to turn me off from Crossfit.  A great intro to the gym.  Though it’s where I first learned to hate Wall Ball Shots…

What is your greatest CrossFit accomplishment thus far?

My greatest accomplishment so far is running a mile in 6:38.  Typically I’m at 8-10min, so was pretty happy with my time.  Just can’t wait to beat it next time we run!

What is your favorite WOD and why?

For some reason I enjoy pull-ups, so I like WODs with those included.  I’m not quite there without bands yet, but hopefully I will be soon

What is your least favorite WOD and why?

My least favorite WOD is anything with Wall Ball Shots.  Give me anything but Wall Ball Shots!

What advice would you give a new member?

A piece of advice I’d give to new members is go at Crossfit with all you have.  You’re not going to get much out of it if you’re only coming every so often and not putting in your full effort while you’re there.  Luckily, I haven’t seen really any of that at Merge (the supportive atmosphere helps with that). Just like everything else in life, you’re only going to get out of it what you put in.

How many hours of the day do you spend thinking about CrossFit? (Asleep or awake…)

I’d say I think about Crossfit for a few hours a day, especially if I miss a class.  It tends to come up in conversation at least once a day (okay… maybe I bring it up and how much I like it, no matter how forced into the conversation it may be…) Haven’t started having Crossfit dreams yet…

What kind of music do you like to workout to?

I like to workout to 90s music (Weezer, Greenday) , something upbeat and familiar to me.  Throw in some happy, cheesy songs and some classic oldies (Billy Joel, Billy Idol) and for me that’s a great workout mix

What was your favorite movie and why?

Mememto is my favorite movie.  I like the idea of doing a movie non-linearly and making the audience think about what’s going on and figuring out what’s happening in a non-standard fashion.  It’s a unique and bold way of telling a story and I like it.

Thanks for being such an asset to our CrossFit Merge community, Chris.  It’s people like you, with your dedication and passion, that makes our box such an awesome place.  Keep up the good work!


All Classes:


Back Squat


Workout of the Day (WOD):


150 wall ball shots (20# for men/14# for women)

Athlete Spotlight – Tracey and Adam

Tracey and Adam are some of the coolest peeps here at CrossFit Merge!  In all honesty, their dedication and “game-on” attitude have really blown me away.  It’s not often you meet a couple who are so awesome together, while striving to be successful at CrossFit as a team.  They are one of the most determined, sweetest people I know.  It’s such a pleasure to see them set PR’s, finish WODs, cheer each other and others on, and see them grow as athletes.  It’s truly quite awesome.  Not to mention the fact that they are so incredibly creative! Seriously, you should see the stuff they make/create (yes, I’ve seen their stuff on facebook!).  So as usual, enough with my rambling… get a feeling for their awesomeness directly from them!

How long have you been doing CrossFit?

Tracey: Eight months.

Adam: About 8 Months.

How did you hear about CrossFit Merge?

Tracey: My friend Mike does a combo of Krav Maga and CrossFit, he went from fat to fab… That was a huge motivator to try CrossFit. We found CrossFit Merge on Yelp actually. I live and die by that site and it so happens that Bryce was cool beans for the 1 on 1.  the later class times worked for Adam.

Adam: I’d wanted to start working out for awhile, but never figured out what I wanted to do. And I’d been hearing a lot about Crossfit  so I looked up “Glendale Crossfit gyms” online. Tracey and I were originally going to go to another one (it probably showed up first in google) but I was working on the west side at the time and their latest class was 6:30. So then we found Merge with later classes, and I’ll say I’m pretty happy that other place didn’t work with my schedule.

What was your first CrossFit WOD experience like?

Tracey: I think I got two and a half rounds in for that whole seven minutes of torment. I had my mom pick me up afterwards. I made her pull over on the way home as I was sure I was going to throw up, but i managed to keep it down! When I got home I fell out of the car because my legs wouldn’t hold me up. I wish I was kidding.

Adam: First WOD was the one on one with Bryce, and I literally passed out after a round and half. I had to lay down outside on the concrete. It’s was pretty embarrassing. But I knew right away that it was exactly what I was looking for.

Is there anything you’d like to people to know about you?

Tracey: I have naturally angry eyebrows… I’m not actually angry. I’m mostly nice, unless I see someone littering. Tracey smash!

Adam: I’m not rude, just a little shy – but I’ll also try anything once and I’m usually one of the first to volunteer for something.

What is your greatest CrossFit accomplishment thus far?

Tracey: I can run a mile non stop! This may not seem like a big deal for some, but when I first started I couldn’t run at all due to agonizing shin splints and shortness of breath. I have some sexy triceps and I can wear shorts without shame- it’s the little things.

Adam: I don’t have a specific accomplishment, but I’m really happy that I’m lifting a lot more weight than when I started, and I’m starting to see RX next to my name on a few WODs. One thing that’s really empowering is when we carry other people on our backs. I never knew I could that, it’s pretty awesome knowing I can.

What is your favorite WOD and why?

Tracey: I love weightlifting movements incorporated in the WODs. Any workout leaving my arms or legs barely functional makes me a happy camper.

Adam: I like the ones with dumbbell push presses. I like presses and push presses a lot, so I like them in the WOD too.

What is your least favorite WOD and why?

Tracey: I dislike WODs with dead lifts as I always manage to have form issues. I don’t like the inevitable stiff back the next 2 days.

Adam: I don’t like the ones with deadlifting in them, I just get tired and my form gets bad and my back starts to hurt.

What advice would you give a new member?

Tracey: Suffering will bring you eventual joy (and addiction)! CHANGE YOUR DIET. Write down your weights and be consistent.

Adam: Make sure you fill out your journal, it’s really going to surprise you how much you improve and you’ll want a record of it.

How many hours of the day do you spend thinking about CrossFit? (Asleep or awake…)

Tracey: Enough to ruin my social life with non-CrossFitters! Sometimes I spontaneously do burpees when I hear The Black Keys now (I kid… kinda). I can’t wait to escape work to get sweaty, it’s getting weird man!

Adam: Oh man, I’m to a point that all I want to do while I’m awake is go to crossfit. So, uh, a lot.

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be and why?

Tracey: Mark Twain, I think he may have invented modern day sarcasm. Or Doctor Who‘s companion, any of them! Space + timeywimey + alien monsters = adventure.

Adam: Indiana Jones. Who wouldn’t want to go on epic adventures finding historical artifacts while fighting Nazis? (excluding the crystal skull refrigerator movie thing).

Who would win in a fight — a ninja or a pirate? Explain why.

Tracey: Probably a ninja as less rum would be involved.

Adam: If you’re talking about old school pirates like pirates of the Caribbean  then probably the Ninjas. the pirates would just be drunk. But if you’re talking about the modern Somalian type pirates, probably them. They have better guns.

What are your favorite hobbies?

Tracey: Napping, video games with Adam, painting things for barter, finding new places to go on the Vespa.

Adam: I like to build random things – I just finished making an acoustic guitar, I make iPhone apps (shameless plug download my latest – “Magic Roller Coaster”), ride my scooter, play a lot of video games, board games, movies, play Skyrim with Tracey.

What was your favorite book as a child and why?

Tracey: Enders Game! It’s a compelling sci-fi space adventure with a twist.

Adam: Lord of the Flies – I still have a fear of being stranded on an island. Funny story about that, Tracey once asked me if I could bring one thing to a deserted island what would it be, and I said “You, you’ve killed and gutted a pig before. I’d have no idea what to do with the pig after I caught it”.

Where do you see yourself one year from now?

Tracey: A month from getting married! We’re going to look sooooo awesome after all that CrossFit. If I find myself needing to climb a coconut tree in Cancun I’ll totally be strong enough to do it.

Adam: In a year I’ll probably be pretty excited and anxious since we’ll be about a month away from getting married. Looking forward to some vacation time. I’ll be in better shape and able to pull ups without a band too.

Tracey and Adam, you guys are already looking incredibly awesome!! We wish you the best on your CrossFit journey and can’t wait to see what you’ll look like in your wedding attire 😉  And the rest of you, talk to Tracey and Adam, they’re some of the most creative people you’ll ever get to meet — oh! and download Magic Roller Coaster….it’s so much fun and soooo addicting! 😀


All Classes:


50 meter sprints, on the minute for 10 minutes – Max effort sprints and rest the remainder of the minute.

Workout of the Day (WOD):

15 min amrap of:

24 doubleunders
12 burpees
6 pull-ups (chest to bar for intermediate)

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Athlete Spotlight – Michael Kremin

I love my job. Seriously, I have the best job in the world. How often is it that people get to say that they come to work and see some of their favorite people on a daily basis? See them succeed, see them accomplish things they never thought possible, see them fall and get back up? I get to do it everyday! And among those favorite people is Michael Kremin. Michael is a gem of a man. He radiates such kindness and love. But don’t let that fool you! He’s one heck of a stud when it comes to woding it up at the box! There’s not a day in which he comes into the box without the desire to set a PR, accomplish something new, show the world just how awesome he really is. Every time he is at the gym, he makes the effort to brighten someone else’s day. Michael is simply wonderful. He’s the epitome of an athlete, a hard worker, and a friend. And without further ado, here’s Michael!

How long have you been doing CrossFit?

A year and 3 or 4 months.

How did you hear about CrossFit Merge?

Last year, when I was relocating from Washington DC to Los Angeles, I started looking for a gym that would be a good fit for my style of working out. After trying several of the “big box chains” (and being completely turned off by the members and facilities) and interviewing a couple personal trainers, I came across CrossFit Merge while searching the web. I even drove by one evening to see what was happening before I set up an appointment. I was unfamiliar with Crossfit and did some research and the concepts appealed to me. I had done some TRX training with a personal trainer in DC and came close to buying the P90X disks to work out at home, so I thought it would be similar. As it turned out, it was much better than I expected. After meeting Bryce and doing an individual workout, I liked what I saw and felt. As I say, CrossFit Merge had me at first squat”!

What was your first CrossFit Merge WOD experience like?

I do not remember much about the first WOD other than being totally spent and thinking that I must be a complete masochist. I also realized that despite working out regularly at a gym and with a personal trainer, that I still needed more to achieve a higher level of fitness. I recognized that the intensity of CrossFit was lacking in all of the other workouts I had ever done before.

What is something that not a lot of people know about you but you WISH more people COULD know?

How grateful I am to my family and friends for always being there for me and helping me achieve the successes I have had in life. I try not to take things for granted and strive to reciprocate whenever possible.

What is your greatest CrossFit Merge accomplishment thus far?

Graduating from Beginner to Intermediate level after about a year, LOL. Actually, I feel my greatest accomplishment has been the friendships and bonds that I have formed with so many Merge members. I am also pleased with the improved stamina, strength, and in my opinion, muscle definition that I have achieved from these workouts. This weekend I was able to do handstand push-ups, something I had not done since I was in college. That put a big smile on my face.

What is your favorite WOD and why?

I do not have a particularly favorite WOD. I have enjoyed some of the Merge “birthday” WODS. My favorite skills and routines keep changing as I learn more and gain confidence, but I will always entertain doing WODs that include various squats (front, back, overhead), box jumps, v-ups, burpees, and deadlifts.

Least favorite WOD and why?

I avoid WODs that have complex weightlifting skills, but as I learn more and practice more, I say to myself “bring it on!”. Wall ball shots/squats remain among my least favorite skills, though.

What advice would you give a new member?

If you are intimidated, just go with the flow, listen to the coaches, and appreciate the camaraderie of your fellow athletes. Expect to be sore after the WODs, especially for the first few months. Relax, focus, and have fun!

Out of all the hours in the day (both sleeping and awake) how much time do you spend working out? Thinking about CrossFit? Dreaming it? Watching vids? etc.

I probably think about Crossfit an inordinate amount of time each day – it is one of my obsessions, and I am certain many of my colleagues are tired of hearing about my workouts and classes. I try to get in a Crossfit class 3 times a week. On the non-Crossfit days I try to do stretching exercises or at a minimum, 10-20 minutes of squats, sit-ups, lunges, push-ups, etc. that I can do at home. I only occasionally watch videos or sports programs that feature CrossFit, but I do get into them when I do have the opportunity.

What is your favorite movie and why?

I have many favorite movies, but at the top of the list are “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” – the original romantic comedy, “To Kill a Mockingbird” – its focus on intolerance and prejudice, and “Slum Dog Millionaire” – because there is always hope for a better life.

If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be and why?

On a beach in Nicaragua or Argentina with my family. My fondest memories are time spent with my aunts, uncles, and cousins at the undeveloped beaches.

What do you like to do for fun?

Crossfit, of course. But also trying out new restaurants (I am a total foodie), shopping (clothes horse), checking out museum and gallery exhibits, hiking, bicycling, and beach-combing.

If you could be any superhero who would you be? Why?

Aquaman, because I like the water. However, being Robin, Batman’s sidekick, has always been appealing.

Where do you see yourself in 1 year?

Living a full life with family and good friends – not much different than the present.

Michael, you have enriched our lives with your wonderful spirit, charismatic personality and tender heart. In fact, we could easily say that you had US at first squat 😉 We couldn’t ask for more!! And the rest of you, if you haven’t met Michael, be sure to look for him as he’s setting PR’s!

Continue reading

Athlete Spotlight – Shirley and Emman

There aren’t enough adjectives that could possibly describe the coolness these 2 athletes, Shirley and Emman, embody.  They are part of Merge’s Filipino Mafia and they are nothing but incredibly awesome!!!  I had the privilege of hanging out with them at the Reebok 2012 CrossFit Games where I not only had a blast, but was absolutely blown away at their love and dedication to each other and to CrossFit.  In the short time that they’ve been with us, they’ve become a HUGE part of our box!  In fact, I don’t think we could imagine Merge without the Filipino Mafia anymore 😉

I know you guys don’t care to read much about what I have to say…so here’s the real reason why you’re reading this post…Shirley and Emman!!!

How long have you been doing CrossFit?

Shirley: I’ve been doing CrossFit for about 4 months, but not as often as I like. I will be upgrading my membership soon! I miss the box pretty often.

Emman: I’ve been doing CrossFit for little over 3 months now.

How did you hear about CrossFit Merge?

Shirley: It was Merge’s Bring-A-Friend Day in March and Icee and Miguel dragged me there. I was really questioning our friendship at that point. I mean, what kind of friends would do such a thing? But, 4 months later, we’re all still friends and maybe even closer now because of CrossFit (and Paleo) and now I’m really thankful for that day they dragged me in. Our Paleo relationship started before CrossFit which I think Paleo indirectly led us all to CrossFit.

Emman: I heard about Merge through Shirley. Icee and Miguel had brought her along on a Bring-A-Friend Day. Shirley was so nervous the night before. She then came home after her workout completely exhausted, but she would not stop talking about how fun it was. She couldn’t believe the things she did, nor could she believe that she enjoyed doing them. I was completely shocked and a little bit jealous. I’ve always enjoyed being physical and I also wanted a sip of the kool aid.

How much of your day (sleeping/awake) do you spend thinking/talking/dreaming about CrossFit?

Shirley: A LOT! Well, it doesn’t help that I work with Icee and Miguel and it seems all CrossFitters do is talk about CrossFit. So 40+ hours per week, every week is A LOT. And that doesn’t count the times we all go to class together or the times we hang out outside of work. Then I go home and I have Emman to talk to about CrossFit. And then if no one else is around to talk to, there’s Google and Youtube…I google/youtube anything CrossFit – CrossFit athletes, CrossFit clothes, CrossFit shoes, CrossFit Merge’s Blog…etc. Wait, is this too much? I don’t think I’ve actually dreamt anything CrossFit yet, though. Wait, does Jason Khalipa count? OMG! I hope he doesn’t read this ever 😉

Emman: I think I could best answer this question by quoting Babyface, although I’m not sure how many Mergers would know who he is…
“I only think of you [CrossFit]……..
on two occasions…..
That’s day and night.

Shirley, what was the first thing Emman ever said to you?

Shirley: Well, I don’t think he said anything to me the first time we met, even if he did, he wouldn’t remember. It was at some house party and we danced – not sure how that was all set up. Maybe we introduced ourselves and said “bye” and “thanks”? But I can tell you the first thing he said to me when he first called me. And what a line…totally worked! Hook, line, and sinker! Totally got me…till this day…many, many years later. Mind you, it was our first time communicating a few months after dancing with each other at that house party and it was only because his friend gave him my number to set us up for homecoming. So I answer the phone and the first thing he said was, “Why didn’t you call me back???” And of course, I didn’t have his number so all I could say was “Cause I don’t have your number.” So that’s how he made sure I got his number…to eventually call him back.  😀 This was the OG, “Hey, I just met you and this is crazy, but here’s my number, so call me maybe?” Haha! Anyway, it totally worked…here we are, after several homecoming dances together and A LOT of years later.

Emman, what is the first memory you have of Shirley?

Shirley: Can I guess? I’m sure it was that night we danced – probably has to do with a short brown mini skirt.

Emman: I remember asking her to dance at her best friend’s house party. I showed up with a few friends, and I don’t know how but I mustered up enough courage to ask her to dance. Now, this may get me into some trouble but, the asking part is now a blur along with the actual dancing and any conversing that may have occurred. The only thing that I can still clearly remember was her SHORT brown skirt and boots…..

How has doing CrossFit impacted your life as a couple? Do you talk about WODs over dinner? Do you help/encourage/etc each other?

Shirley: CrossFit has changed our life as a couple A LOT. Emman was always very active – working out, martial arts, surfing, and running. My kind of working out was walking around shopping and lifting (heavy) shopping bags. Before CrossFit, for me to run around the block or get on the elliptical or treadmill, I had to know there was an ice cream treat at the end of it. But now, we WOD together, shop for workout clothes together, and we talk about CrossFit all the time. It has also helped to keep our nutrition in check. So, I don’t eat ice cream at the end of every WOD. We talk about it over dinner and even all the way home after class. We usually say how much fun we had in the class we just took and then talk about things we can do to improve the moves we just did. But mostly, I’m talking about how I can’t believe what I just did in the WOD or with the skill. We definitely encourage each other to keep going and push ourselves to be better. But that’s what you do when you’re with the right person, right? Always push yourself to be a better person. Also as a couple, I think it’s given us something in common…finally! We’re such opposites!

Emman: Crossfit has become a huge part of our lives. Not a day goes by that we don’t talk about it. We’re constantly recalling previous workouts and talking about what we would like to achieve. We talk about it over dinner, email, text messages, facebook, on long drives, at the beginning of the day, and at the end of the day. Shirley and I have always had something to talk about or laugh about, but now, our conversations and laughs throughout the day are peppered with CrossFit references. Now if we’re amongst, friends and family we also always manage to end up talking about it to them. It doesn’t really matter if they bring it up or not, we just start talking about it. This is often done with Shirley leaning over to the nearest person and asking questions like: “hey, wanna see my dead lifts?” or “hey wanna see a video of Camille Le-Blanc Bazzinet?” I usually jump in at this point and strongly encourage the Camille video.

CrossFit has also inspired us to keep our health and nutrition a major priority. So, if we’re not talking about Crossfit, we’re talking about paleo. I often hear people say that CrossFit is like a cult, and once people join, it’s all they talk about. Shirley and I are a perfect example of how true this is. However, she’s got it easy, because she works with 3 other CrosFitters that she could talk to. I spend about 75% of my days in a classroom full of teenagers that don’t hear anything I say, and the adults I work with have no idea what it’s like. So I have to wait a whole day before I could talk to someone who knows exactly what I’m talking about. As a couple, we always had fun together no matter what we did, but CrossFit is the first sport we’ve come across that we are both passionate about.

What are your favorite WODs?

Shirley: I love WODs that involve the barbell! I love deadlifts, front squats, and hang/power cleans. I prefer AMRAPs over rounds for time. But definitely like WODs that mix lifting and cardio.

Emman: I don’t think I have a favorite WOD yet. I’ve enjoyed every single one so far. Although I do have a few favorite skills or exercises such as: power cleans, kettlebell swings, burpees, plyometric pushups, and pull ups.

What are your greatest Crossfit accomplishments individually and as a couple?

Shirley: I feel like everything I’ve done in CrossFit has been great accomplishments for me. I mean, considering shopping was my kind of workout before CrossFit, everything I’ve done so far has been a PR! (Yay for me!) (Insert us – Bryce, Cory, MN – doing a little happy dance here!) And now, all I want to do is live CrossFit. Oh! Also doing a WOD on 1 hour of sleep on my birthday at CrossFit Invictus – we went to meet Camille Leblanc-Bazinet who pretty much ended up coaching me during the WOD! So awesome! Best birthday present ever!!! Thanks to Icee!!!! She set the whole thing up for me.

I think our greatest accomplishment in CrossFit as a couple was participating in the Merge’s last Summer Throwdown (thanks to Icee, again, for signing us up without us knowing). We didn’t get to finish, but we got to participate a bit and we had a blast!!! We had to leave early due to prior engagements, but we were so sad to leave and all the way home talked about how much fun we had, then went to our friend’s party and talked to everyone about how much fun we had. Oh! We also recently did a WOD with about 2 hours of sleep after driving about 6 hours in the middle of the night to get to San Jose. We went to NorCal CrossFit and did a bunch of partner/team warm-ups and a crazy 4 round WOD on 2 hours of sleep…and met Jason Khalipa!!! So happy!!! Dreams really do come true!

Emman: Recently we just had a timed mile run as a skill, and I completed it in 5:40 which is the fastest that I have ever ran a mile…ever. I think Shirley also had the same experience with her timed run. We were both shocked at how much we’ve actually improved.

What have you told your friends about Crossfit Merge?

Shirley: What I usually tell my friends about CrossFit Merge is that it’s nothing like any typical gym they know of and that the kind of workouts we go through are the kind that will leave them sore for a week – even if it was only a 10 minute workout. I always tell them at the next Bring-A-Friend day I’m dragging them in so they can experience it for themselves. I think I talk about CrossFit like a madwoman and in the end, they just think I’m crazy and I joined a cult usually because my CrossFit talk is accompanied by Paleo talk. But hey, at least it’s a good cult, right?

Emman: The one thing we always talk about in addition to the insane workouts, is the friendly atmosphere.

What words of advice would you give to newbie crossfitting couples?

Shirley: I would tell them to always encourage each other and to push each other to come to class when one is feeling tired or trying to come up with excuses. Don’t compete with each other because their strengths and weaknesses will definitely be different. And don’t hold each other back. If one person is advancing faster than the other, don’t ask that person to wait, instead push them to keep going and move on up.

Emman: Eat right, show up, don’t give up, and always encourage each other.

If someone wrote a biography about your life, what should the title be?

Shirley: “The Never Ending Story” – because I hope that wherever that book ends, the adventures in my life don’t. The last page of the book will read, “To be continued…”

Emman:Two possible titles come to mind.

The Endless Summer… Yes, the title could play metaphorically about my search for the perfect wave, my journeys in Life and finding peace, or it could speak of my passion for surfing, but another reason would be because I live in the San Fernando Valley and it is ALWAYS FREAKING HOT!

Another title would be: Doing What You Love. The book would talk about how my life has always been in the pursuit of play, whether it be in my practice as an artist and art teacher, or in my passions for surfing, martial arts, running, hiking, and now CrossFit.

What is your favorite music to workout to?

Shirley: I’m with Icee on this one – hip hop/rap, but would definitely love to work out to anything by Santigold. To be honest, I kind of zone out and sometimes I don’t even hear the music after a while. All I hear is Bryce, Cory, or Marianoel telling me to fix something in my form or technique – they’re the only ones that somehow manage to break through the zone I’m in. I do also hear them when they say, “Good, Shirley!” And that’s nice to hear! Also, since they’re the ones that call time at the end of an AMRAP and I’m always definitely waiting for that call!

Emman: Again, I don’t have a favorite type, but I do have a playlist that I listen to before merge which helps pump me up. It consists of artists such as: Santigold, James Brown, Rage Against the Machine, A Tribe Called Quest, Murs, Mos Def, Nas, and Sublime.

Is there something about yourselves you’d want to share with us?

Shirley: It depends, what do you want to know? 🙂  And if I tell you, then I’d have to kill you. 😛
Kidding! I’m a lover and not a fighter. So maybe here, what I can tell you about myself is that I pretty much live up to the definition of a Gemini – something like multiple personalities…just not the crazy kind. Haha! I was born and raised in Cali, but I’m an island girl at heart. If only I could wear slippas all day everyday. By profession I work with numbers and stats. However, outside of work, i’m more artsy and crafty (but I can’t draw for the life of me). I hate reality TV, but I can’t stop watching it sometimes. I hate zombies, but LOVE watching zombie movies/shows (Walking Dead! YEAH!). I’ll always order a burger/steak/beef ribs over a salad…oh! And fried chicken wings (HOOTERS). I’m fascinated with sharks and look forward to Shark Week on Discovery Channel every year. I hate working out, but I LOVE CrossFit!!!

Emman: I can’t really think of anything else interesting about myself that I could share. So I’m just going to throw out some random facts:
favorite color – blue
favorite beverage – COFFEE!
favorite beer-New Castle (too bad it isn’t paleo)
Favorite movie – Blade Runner
Favorite Author – Alan Watts

If aliens landed in front of you and offered you any position on their planet, what would you chose and why?

Shirley: I would choose to be their leader so I can make sure they follow my orders when I tell them to send me back home.

Emman: I would love to be in charge of and a pilot in THEIR space exploration program.

Where do you guys see yourselves in one year?

Shirley: A year from now, we will have attended the 2013 CrossFit Games and hopefully will have pinned a few more countries on the world map hanging in our living room, preferably somewhere in Asia or the South Pacific. Oh, and I will hopefully have my own athlete spotlight…not that I’m asking for one, just hoping I’d be deserving of one.

Emman:I see us continuing to enjoy life and doing what we love. I also hope to see Shirley taking my old longboard and joining me in the line up at one of my favorite spots.

Shirley: to add on to Emman’s last answer, that is a goal I set for myself that I think CrossFit can help me with. I have tried surfing a few times and haven’t really had any luck here in California. It’s always easier in Hawaii for some reason. 🙂 But one of my goals which I’m I’m hoping CrossFit will help me with is to get me strong enough to handle the waves here in SoCal by next summer. 🙂

Shirley and Emman, we can’t tell you enough how happy we are to have you be part of our Merge family.  Your love and enthusiasm are absolutely contagious!  We are proud of all that you’re accomplishing and look forward to your continuing athletic growth.  And the rest of you, if you don’t know Shirley and Emman….you MUST MEET THEM ASAP!  Seriously, make a point of it.  They are simply rockin’!


Intermediate Skill:

Pistol practice

Workout of the Day (WOD):

3 rounds for total reps:

2 minute AMRAP of:

-5 squat clean to thrusters (135# for men/93# for women)
-25 double-unders

1 minute rest

1 minute AMRAP of:


1 minute rest after the burpees then start round 2.

Score is total reps

All Levels/Beginner


Headstand practice
Review the dumbbell front squat

Workout of the Day (WOD):

3 rounds for total reps of:

2 minute AMRAP of:

-5 dumbbell front squats
-50 single-unders or 25 double-unders

1 minute rest

1 minute AMRAP of:


1 minute rest between rounds

Score total reps

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Athlete Spotlight – Erik Fernandez

Let me introduce to you Erik Fernandez.  I could come up with a bunch of adjectives to describe Erik, but nothing wraps it up better than just plain awesome.  He works incredibly hard at making each WOD intense and efficient.  We see him come in week in and week out, often staying after class to ask questions and always finding a way to make the WOD challenging. In doing all these things, we have seen him improve very quickly.  It’s so inspiring to see athletes be so dedicated!  So without further ado, here’s Erik!

How long have you been doing CrossFit?

About 7 months, but the 1st 3 months I was hampered with sickness and injuries…Grrr

How did you hear about CrossFit Merge?

Last summer my wife’s cousin kept talking about Crossfit, like non-stop. To be honest I was annoyed by it because I really didn’t understand where he was coming from. So by December I decided to try it. I googled the closest one in Glendale and Merge was one of them.

What was your first CrossFit Merge WOD experience like?

I don’t remember much. All I know was I was gasping for air and thinking to myself “I’m going to die.” I guess my body was not accustomed to this kind of workout. I think I may have skipped a couple of classes after my first WOD (my body was begging me to stay home…hahaha).

What is something that not a lot of people know about you but you WISH more people COULD know?

I’m into martial arts and weaponry.  I hold a 3rd degree brown belt in Kenpo and I collect weapons, like swords, knives, bow/arrow, blow guns, just in case a zombie apocalypse would happen…you know…hahaha

What is your greatest CrossFit Merge accomplishment thus far?

Every time I get a “PR,” I consider that as accomplishment. But my “Greatest’” I think was being able to do the kipping pull ups with a bad shoulder. Although I still need to clean up my technique, just the thought of “I did it or I can do it” with my injury, makes it a little special.

What is your favorite WOD and why?

Anything with lifting and cardio. I really need to work on my upper body strength and lose excess fat.

Least favorite WOD and why?

AMRAP with Burpees and Box jumps. Enough said.

What advice would you give a new member?

Come to class and listen to your coaches’ advice and instructions. Oh yeah and Breathe.

Out of all the hours in the day (both sleeping and awake) how much time do you spend working out? Thinking about CrossFit? Dreaming it? Watching vids? etc.

I play basketball 3 times a week and the rest of week I do Crossfit (home or Merge).  I talk about it everyday and was told by my friends and co-workers to SHUT UP already. That’s how bad it got. Even my lovely wife got tired of me talking about it and I’m currently not “allowed” to talk about Crossfit during dinner time…hahahaha.

What is your favorite movie and why?

Blazing Saddles by Mel Brooks. It’s an old movie maybe mid-70s or 80s…super funny, a western spoof. The comedy was so different then from today’s comedy.  I think if the movie came out in this era, Mel Brooks would’ve been sued or banned.  If you guys haven’t seen it, check it out and you’ll know what I’m talking about.

If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be and why?

-Japan. Why? Because Nihon wa subarashi kunidesu. (Japan is awesome)

What do you like to do for fun?

My wife and I love to go to the movies, try new cuisine and go on mini vacations. Also I love basketball, as I mentioned earlier, I play 3 times a week, yeah pretty boring.

If you could be any superhero who would you be? Why?

I would be Batman.  I would love to have his skills, brains and determination.  He doesn’t give up no matter what the odds are. Wouldn’t mind his money either.

Where do you see yourself in 1 year?

Home…taking care of my daughter.  Yes, I’m going to be a dad. Yippee!!

Congratulations on all your accomplishments, but most importantly, on becoming a soon-to-be-daddy!!!! We look forward to seeing you and your little one rock the CrossFit Merge world! 😀


Intermediate Skill

-Split Jerks 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

-3 max flex arm hangs

Workout of the Day (WOD):

12 min AMRAP

-6 dumbbell split jerks, alternate legs (50# for men/30# for women)
-8 pull-ups (chest to bar advanced)
-24 double-unders

Beginner/All Levels’ Skill

Press 2-2-2-2-2

Workout of the Day (WOD):

12 min AMRAP

-6 burpee box jumps (24” for men/20” for women)
-12 sit-ups
-24 double-unders

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Athlete Spotlight – Megan Hubbard

CrossFit shoe-lover, WOD-crusher, totally awesome Megan Hubbard is our featured Athlete!  Megan is truly one of a kind.  Her sweet disposition and kind smile just seem to always light up the room.  But don’t let that fool you.  She’s an absolute beast when it comes to destroying WODs and giving it her all.  Megan comes to Merge day in and day out and she has come so far in the short time she’s been with us.  We are so excited to see where CrossFit will take you.  And now, fellow Mergers, here’s Megan!

How long have you been doing CrossFit?

Three months exactly.

How did you hear about CrossFit Merge?

I initially read about Merge on yelp.  I was looking for a gym that I could walk to from my house, but the options I had found were pretty bleak.  Merge popped up in the search one day and I thought, “Great! Another gym by my house to check out, and this one actually has good reviews.” At that point, I had no idea about what I was actually getting into. I had never heard of this magical, mystical Crossfit thing before.  By the time I figured it all out, I already had a consultation scheduled, and even though I was scared out of my mind, I went. And loved it.  

What was your first CrossFit Merge WOD experience like?

After the seven-minute intro workout, I couldn’t really walk like a normal person for about six days.  When I finally made it back for a real WOD, I was still sore, but also determined.  We did deadlifts for the skill that day, and I had never even touched a barbell before.  I felt intimidated, but every single person in the gym welcomed me.  And then we did 100 squats and I couldn’t walk for another six days.  

What is something that not a lot of people know about you but you WISH more people COULD know?

I have been vegan for almost eight years.  It is something that I am passionate about, but not preachy. I love all animals except dolphins and horses (just kidding… kinda).

What is your greatest CrossFit Merge accomplishment thus far?

Doing a 12″ box jump.  Doesn’t sound like much, but I spent the first two months just doing “box step-ups.” The first time I finally did a jump, I was pretty proud.  Sometimes I still psych myself out and miss a jump, but I can’t wait until I am able to move up to the next box height (someday).

What is your favorite WOD and why?

Anything that involves rowing.  I love to row.  I also like to repeat the intro session WOD so I can gauge my progress. I don’t think I have done any of the traditional “girl’s name” WODs yet.

What is your least favorite WOD and why?

Anything that involves running.  While I like to jog (slowly… with my dog… sometimes) I really hate running.  The long block totally bums me out on a weekly basis.

What advice would you give a new member?

You will probably be sore for a long time. That is you getting stronger -get used to it and stop whining (someone should have told me this).

Out of all the hours in the day (both sleeping and awake) how much time do you spend working out? Thinking about CrossFit? Dreaming it? Watching vids? etc.

I do think about it a lot.  I try to watch videos of moves I don’t know before class so that I can be a little prepared.  I really find myself paying attention to what I eat now and how it affects my workouts, so that takes up a good chunk of time, too.  And I dream about all the cute crossfit shoes I want to buy.

What would you do if you had a time machine?

1. Tell my 18-year-old self to go to college, so that I wouldn’t be still doing that now, 10 years later.

2. See the Smiths play in 1986.

3. Do some sort of awesome world-changing thing that is so epic I can’t even think of it now.

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

I slept in a ’70s-themed airstream trailer in the middle of the desert last week.  It was an experience I won’t soon forget.

What’s your favorite movie or book or song? Why.

Movie: Valley Girl – because it is the only movie ever where Nic Cage is hot.
Book: The Giver – because I like thinking about utopia.
Song: anything by Morrissey pre-1998 – because it’s Morrissey.

If you could be any superhero who would you be? Why?

I know this will disappoint many people, especially my husband, but I know nothing about superheroes. Does Harry Potter count? If not I will say Spiderman, because all of my preschool students really adore Spiderman.

Where do you see yourself in 1 year?

I would love to be applying to grad schools, going on lots of vacations,and doing one single pull-up.  That last one might take two years, but that’s okay, I can wait.

Megan, you’re such a rockstar!  The CrossFit Merge Team is so proud of all your accomplishments this far.  Trust us, that 20” box has your name written ALL over it 😉

Intermediate Skill  

Power snatch

2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 2

Workout of the Day (WOD):

5 rounds for time of:

7 burpees
10 overhead squats (115# for men/73# for women)
7 toes to bar
*sub v-ups for toes to bar

Beginner Skill

Front Squat

3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3 – 3

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Athlete Spotlight – Kevin Wu

Ladies and gentlemen, for this Athlete Spotlight, I have the honor and privilege of introducing to you, the king of the 70# Kettlebell, Mr. Kevin Wu!

Kevin is a regular in the 6:30 am class — that in itself should tell you how dedicated he is!  He shows up every week, always with a positive attitude and brings his A game to every WOD.  Kevin is not afraid of lifting heavy, really pushing himself, listening to his coaches and he never gives up.  His workout ethic is impeccable.  However, that is not the only reason why we decided to feature him this time.  It’s also his drive, sense of humility, enthusiasm and devonaire smile that makes him one of a kind.  

And without further ado, here’s Kevin!

How long have you been doing CrossFit?

Thirteen months.

How did you hear about CrossFit Merge?

A friend recommended CrossFit upon hearing I wanted an intense weight loss program, so I picked a gym near my house. My life has not been the same ever since.

What was your first CrossFit WOD experience like?

I don’t remember the WOD, but I remember being completely charmed by the sense of community and the way everyone supported each other and how different that was from my regular gym.

Is there anything you’d like to people to know about you?

I am an avid consumer of independent film and, like so many in this town, am pursuing a career writing and directing feature films.

My favorite food is sushi.

And I really try not to grunt so loudly. Really.

What is your greatest CrossFit accomplishment thus far?

Unbroken double unders and overhead squatting more than 33 lbs. I seriously thought that both were impossible and that I would be the first CrossFit athlete to never be able to do either. Ever.

Also, I heard that Fred said I’m yoked. Did you catch that? Fred Thomas called me yoked!

What is your favorite WOD and why?

Fight Gone Bad. I love the intensity and efficiency — with only a minute to complete each movement, there’s no time to waste catching my breath. Plus, there’s rowing. I like rowing.

What is your least favorite WOD and why?

Karen. No other WOD messes with my head or leaves me wanting to vomit more than Karen does.

What advice would you give a new member?

Follow the Gym Rules — there is some good advice on there. Meet fellow Mergers, and know that you will get better.

How many hours of the day do you spend thinking about CrossFit?

Too many. Friends are tired of hearing about it and have threatened to unsubscribe from my Facebook posts if any more photos of me lifting heavy weight clog their newsfeeds.

If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be and why?

Duchess Kate Middleton. I thought too hard about this question and couldn’t come up with anything, so I stopped thinking and this is the first thing I came up with.

How do you feel about Cylons?

Some of them just need to be loved. I’ll refrain from naming my personal favorite lest I spoil things for anyone.

Where do you see yourself one year from now?

Working out regularly at Merge and hopefully competing in the Rx division at a Throwdown.

Kevin, you’re such an asset to Merge!  Thank you for being part of our “family”.  And please remember us when you’re famous!!! 🙂

Intermediate Skill:

Squat clean to thruster


Intermediate Workout Of The Day (WOD):

10 minute AMRAP of:

20 double-unders
1 squat clean (135# for men/93# for women or 155# for men/103 for women – advanced)
20 double-unders
2 squat cleans
20 double-unders
3 squat cleans…keep adding 1 additional clean

All Levels/Beginner Skill



The noon class WODs it up!

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Athlete Spotlight – Andrew & Zenda

Let me introduce to you guys Andrew and Zenda.  



These two awesome athletes are regulars of the evening class and are strong, determined, and such a cute couple!  I remember the first time I met Zenda, she rocked the death by sprints and Andrew is one of the strongest guys at Merge.  These guys are awesome to have in class, they are hardworking and consistent.  Its awesome to see couples work out together! You know what they say… couples that work together stay together 🙂

And enough of my rambling, here’s Andrew and Zen

How long have you guys been doing CrossFit?

Andrew: I’ve been doing crossfit for over 4 months
Zenda: close to 2 month

How did you hear about CrossFit Merge?

Andrew: I yelped crossfit and I picked the logo and name I liked the most. That is also how I pick bottles of wine.
Zenda: I wanted to try a new workout and Andrew said I would like Merge because it’s tough and there are no douchebags.

What was your first CrossFit Merge WOD experience like?

Andrew: Bryce tried talking to me afterwards, and I couldn’t comprehend anything he was saying.
Zenda: I remember feeling really nervous before class and already feeling sore on the car ride home.

What is something that not a lot of people know about you (collectively and/or individually) but you guys WISH more people COULD know?

Andrew: Zenda is a proud Navajo half breed.
Zenda: Andrew is more Oriental than he looks.
Andrew: We can joke this way because it’s true.

What is your greatest CrossFit Merge accomplishment thus far?

Andrew: Sadly, jumping rope more than 10 times unbroken
Zenda: Graduating to 20-inch box jumps

What is your favorite WOD and why?

Andrew: Anything with heavy lifting so I can feel good about myself.
Zenda: Anything with running and kettlebells. I love cardio.

What is your least favorite WOD and why?

Andrew: Anything containing 400m or large block because I’ll finish five minutes after everyone else is done and there’s a good chance I’ll have a calf cramp.
Zenda: Anything with wall ball shots or overhead squats because my squats suck.

What advice would you give a new member?

Zenda: The soreness won’t last forever, but it will last about a month.
Andrew: “Git some!”, “Don’t phone it in.” and other workout cliches.

How has CrossFit affected you as a couple?

Andrew: It’s nice to have something new to talk about after four years.
Zenda: Working out on Friday is our new date night. Thanks for nothing, Bryce. 🙂

How did you guys meet?

Zenda: Andrew is the first person I met at my dorm.
Andrew: I didn’t actually go to her college. I was just wandering the halls after helping a friend move in.
Zenda: It only took him eight years to ask me out.
Andrew: It takes a long time to trick someone into liking you.
Zenda: I didn’t even know his name was Andrew until right before we started dating. I thought it was Boon Boonkrong.
Andrew: Boon is my alter ego.

If you could be any superhero who would you be? Why?

Andrew: Zenda is already the Hulk, so she doesn’t need to answer this. It would have to be someone strong enough to square off with the Hulk. The Red Hulk is the only way to go.
Zenda: Nerd alert: He read up on the Red Hulk for 20 minutes.

Where do you see yourself in 1 year?

Andrew: Super buff and tan.
Zenda: Traveling through Europe.
Andrew: Super buff and tan in Europe.

Andrew and Zenda, thanks for being part of our box.  We enjoy your fun spirit and dedication!  Make sure you send us a postcard from Europe.  Andrew, will you please make us mixed tape?! 😉



Squat snatches

Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes, perform 1 squat snatch.  Try increasing the weight each minute.

Workout Of the Day (WOD):

15-12-9-12-15 reps of:

Squat snatches (75# for men/53# for women)
Box jumps (24” for men/20” for women)

All Levels/Beginner


In 2:30, run 400 meters, then AMRAP of: hand release push-ups.  Rest 30 seconds, repeat for a total of 3 rounds.  Score total push-ups.

Workout Of the Day (WOD):

15-12-9-12-15 reps of:

Sumo Deadlift High Pull or Squat Snatches (75# for men/53# for women)
Burpee Box Jumps (24” for men/20” for women)

Squat snatches!

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