The Pro Shop: A Self Help Guide

Some fantastic new items have made an appearance in the pro shop recently and we wanted to make sure you were aware.

  • Everyday Paleo Family Cookbook – An excellent item to have in your arsenal as we approach the Whole Life Challenge.
  • Hand Care Kits – Everything you need to take care of those calluses, blisters, tears, and burns.
  • Speed Rope Replacement Cables – If you’ve been a member for a while, chances are your jump rope is either worn out or close to it.
  • CrossFit Merge Stickers – Great for the car, refrigerator, guitar, skateboard, notebook, pretty much anywhere you’d like to put a sticker.


The pro shop works on the honor system. If you see an item you’d like to buy, simply write your full name and a description of the item down on the “Pro Shop” sheet located on top of the refrigerator, next to the bathroom. We’ll charge your account for the item. Please write your first and last name as there are often more than one member who shares your same first name. Also, please try to write legibly, I know we’re usually”WOD drunk” whilst grabbing an OhMy Bar or coconut water, but we always appreciate it when you write legibly.



Last but not least, you’ll find there is a suggestion box located on top of the refrigerator as well. Please feel free to use it as a way to communicate with us. It’s worked in the past, more fans to keep cool, hand care kits, a 9:00am class during the week. All these things have been added because you asked for them. The only thing we can’t help you with is more or less of your favorite movements when it comes to programming the WODs. Everything else, please feel free to use the suggestion box. Use it a lot.


In addition to merchandise, there’s also a full fledged library of books available for you to borrow. They’re located on top of the merch rack. We just ask that you let us know when you take a book.


Keep an eye out for Reebok merchandise which we will be adding in the very near future.



All Levels Skill:

Power cleans & Split Jerks


Workout of the Day (WOD)

For time:

21 lateral bar hop burpees

7 clean and jerks (135# for men/93# for women)

7 muscle ups

15 lateral bar hop burpees

7 clean and jerks

5 muscle ups

9 lateral bar hop burpees

7 clean and jerks

3 muscle ups

*muscle up sub = 3 pull ups + 3 ring dips

Beginner Skill:



Beginner Workout of the Day (WOD):

21 lateral bar hop burpees

7 deadlifts

21 pull ups

15 lateral bar hop burpees

7 deadlifts

15 pull ups

9 lateral bar hop burpees

7 deadlift

9 pull ups

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